Just Like Any Other Day

Just Like Any Other Day

// An Ordinary Day with Friends //

The Pie Hole located at the Arts District

On Tuesday, I'd planned to spend the day with my best friend, of nearly 8 years, Narong. He had always wanted to try the food at the Pie Hole and we headed down over! I've been eating too much sweets lately so I'd thought I'll cut back a little by just getting the pieholes and some french fries from Wurstküche (given to me by one of the Pie Hole fam). Narong got the Mexican Chocolate pie and the Ratatouille pie (for any vegan lovers out there). My sister Jasmine had just got on her break when we arrived so we chatted for awhile until she headed back to work. 

When we finished our food, we stood for awhile just enjoying each other's company and sneaking some photos of us in a model's position (lol). The entire setting was quite relaxing and refreshing!

Mural by Gino Perez

After taking a breather, we walked around the Arts district taking more photos and searching for some art. I found this interesting artwork painted on one of the walls in the area. The vivid colors were very eye popping and the different symbols in the artwork drawn me towards it. We then headed to the Hauser and Wirth but the exhibits were closed. It didn't stopped us from looking around the place and checking out the chickens of Manuela (the restaurant located inside). We then checked the shops near by where Narong noticed the juice bot and proceeded to purchase a beverage. The funny thing, the window slot got jammed so we ringed the bell to call the help services. Good thing, we were able to get the drink out. Bad thing, the drink wasn't all that good (lol)!

Solo Exhibition "Ramble Ramble" by Mark Whalen 

The Over The Influence gallery had just recently installed the works of Mark Whalen, one of my favorite artists, over the weekend and I had to check it out. I've only ever seen pictures of his work over on social media and to see his work in person was completely incredible! I was basically in awe with my mouth wide open and geeking out! If you're in the area and craving to be inspired, I highly recommend you check it before it ends on May 26th!

Narong posing at the Hauser & Wirth

We took a walk around Little Tokyo talking and being complete weirdos. It's the kind of thing that you had to be there to understand (haha). Going back to the story, Narong wanted to get an issue of Nylon Japan magazine so we headed to the local bookstore. Unfortunately, they didn't have the magazine so we went on our merry way.

Alchemy Works boutique located in the Arts District

Hidden Street Art:

I love seeing little pieces of art plastered over the walls wherever I go. I've always been very keen for the small details. I feel like people had lost the urge to stop to notice these little incredible things in this "big city" living. And if they do, it's only to post on social media with some cheesy and unoriginal caption. And sure, I've been caught doing the same when I have nothing in mind. It's just human nature, but I always make sure to stop and really think about these things. 

We later met up with Jasmine, who got out of work early, at the Boteaga cafe in Little Tokyo. From there, we hit the road and headed to Korea town. Jasmine mentioned about this place called Myungrang Hot Dog and so we went to go try it. And by try, I mean I watched as they ate their sausage corndogs while I tried the all mozzarella corndog. It was actually really good and so I'd gave it my famous thumbs up of approval! We spent the next couple of hours talking about personal stuff and laughing at the silly situations we had been through. It was a pretty nice day!

Additional Photos:

Until next time! Stay young, curious, and adventurous!

(Continue the Journey on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_indie_wood/)


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