From the City to the Beach

From the City to the Beach

// Taking photos all over the place //

On Sunday, I headed out to Los Angeles with my sister where we later met up with our friend Will. But before that, we strolled around the Arts District doing some quick errands and grabbing a bite to eat. As of now, my sister Jasmine would be an official member to the Pie Hole family! It's quite exciting news since we love the place and we know the whole gang working there! 

After our errands, we walked down to Little Tokyo to pass up time while we waited for Will to show up. We went to a few shops and noticed some event happening in the area. They had live performances and art installations set up. It was kinda interesting to see if weren't for the loud banging of the music.

When we met up with Will, we drove down to Rodeo Drive to check out the sights and take photos. I was quite surprised to find out that Will had never heard of the place. It's basically the number one tourist hot spot in SoCal. We kept walking back and forth, just getting lost in the environment. Funny enough, I came across a familiar face from high school and we got to chatting. We tried to see if the Gagosian gallery was open to see to works of Takashi Murakami, but it sadly wasn't open.

After an hour, we got tired of the scene and headed to Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro. It was a bit of the drive but we had a good time by jamming to some upbeat music. We goofed around, had a good laugh or two, and talked about certain topics in our lives. It was quite nice!

We had such a blast at the beach! We went exploring and stumbled a few times while climbing over rocks. There were tons of people relaxing in the sun and splashing about in the ocean. I smelt the traces of the barbecue grill burning and it reminded me of summertime. Man, I miss the days where I would eat a good juicy burger on a hot summer day with the family! It has been two years since I ate red meat and I am still going strong!

I walked away for a moment to see if I could find any sea life in the local ponds around the area but failed. It's lovely sight to see if you ever get a chance to experience it! We ended up calling it a day a little after and headed home. It was a good day and a good way to end the weekend!

Until next time friends! 

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