About Me

Hi everyone!

 My name is Sarah Bernal. I'm just your typical average gal from sunny California in a little city you all know as Los Angeles. I'm a young photographer just trying to make a living like many others in this world. On my free time, I love to watch movies (it's an addiction haha) or go out exploring in the city. It's amazing how long I lived here and yet I still find myself discovering new places to go. What inspired me to be a photographer? When I was much younger, I was into music and art, but I always had a hidden passion for photography (and film). I was inspired to take a step and pursue it as a career goal when I came across work from other talented photographers during my teenage years. Photography allowed me to express myself in ways I couldn't have and helped me see life in a whole new perspective when typically life got pretty rough. I believe that photography can be a great starting point for people who crave to be more creative and maybe even inspire them the way it has for me. I hope someday I can inspire you to take that step as many others before me had.


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