Recent Work

Photoshoot Update: 

The Sportsy Look

This is a bit overdue since this shoot was taken a couple weeks back, but I wanted to keep up to date of what I have been up to. This will be a very short, but sweet update. I had this idea in my mind for awhile. It's that classic, clean, sporty look. I think most photographers had done something like this at some point in their career. But with a little bit of razzle dazzle as I can say, you can make it your own. With the help of a friend to achieve this look, we used five different looks all relating to that sportsy vibe I'm searching for. The results, in my case, turned out pretty great:

Look One:


Look Two:

Look Three:

Look Four:

Look Five:

Overall, I had a good time doing this shoot. It was very simple and casual, but the day was calm and the weather was relevantly okay as I can only put it. Okay, it got very hot at some points but it was still a good day. I feel like I have achieved what I was looking for and I'm very happy with the results. I've got more big plans coming up so stick with me. You're going to want to see what I have up my sleeves.

( follow me over on Instagram @_indie_wood !)


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