A Very Special Occasion

Surprise! Surprise! 

Happy 21th Birthday to Me!

The time has come to reveal the big the surprise I was keeping secret. If you have been keeping up with me, you probably know that awhile back I was doing some big projects. This included one that was kept behind closed doors. Well here it is! Yesterday on October 28, I finally turned 21! So a couple weeks back, my friend Narong wanted to do a glamorous birthday photoshoot for me. We planned the time and day then we were off to the races.

The day of the shoot, we got all the decorations prepped up. This including the props, lighting, and as well as my outfits (a day and night outfit). We went to a few shops to get anything and everything we would possibly need to achieve what I was envisioning for this shoot. Plus, I had already bought my birthday outfits just a few days before so we were in the clear. It took about two hours to put everything in order but the timing was perfect! 

We managed to take enough pictures of me before some of my other friends arrived to help along with the shoot! When they arrived, they helped set up, reorganize the props, and take part in the photoshoot as well. When we finished the shoot, there was a lot of mess to clean up. It was fun though because we got to pop the balloons filled with confetti. And let me tell you, it got all over my hair!

I was really happy that my friends Isabel and Paulina  were able to show up to help with the photoshoot and be there for me. I've known these two girls since back in high school and I'm so blessed to still have them in my life. We made a lot of good memories together throughout the years. We were there for each other; we were there for our firsts, and there in times of heartache. I'm so grateful to know that they are my closest friends and I can still count on them to have a good time even though we don't always get to see each other nowadays. At least, we can still make time to see each other and that's all that really counts.

Overall, this shoot was just another good day of success with the help of some good friends. I wanted glamour and poise. I wanted this shoot to look like it was the life of the party. And I feel we have achieved what I was looking for.

As for my actual birthday, I had a really good time! I'd spent it with my family and that's all I could ever ask for. Believe it or not, I went bowling for the first time. Not including the time I went when I was about six years old because to me, it doesn't really count when they put the bars up so that I can "bowl". Anyways, it was especially fun since we did it in the glow in the dark! I was actually doing pretty good for a beginner. But then again, I always do when it is beginner's luck.

After a good amount of time bowling, we went to have some dinner. I'm just happy that my family didn't tell the restaurant it was my birthday when we got there. I wasn't really looking forward to being greeted with the staff singing happy birthday to me while eating and then handed me some dessert by smothering on my face. I find it kind of embarrassing and didn't want to be the center of the attention. After stuffing our faces with food, we got the check and went back to my place. I had to go back home so I can change into my other outfit because my sisters still had plans for me. This day wasn't quite over for me yet!

We decided to end the night by heading out to some bars in Los Angeles. We only went to two bars since my sister Jessica ended it pretty quick. The first one we went to was called La Cuevita or Little Cave. To be honest, I was kind of nervous since it was my first time going into a bar (legally). Especially when the security guy took quite awhile checking my I.D. In my head I was like "Hello?! Let me in already!" but the once young, naive (but still am despite age) teenager still lingered there too. So I just stood there till he said "It's your birthday?" I said yes and he responded with "Cool." And I was in! I saw some people dressed in costume since this is a Halloween weekend. We'd spent about half an hour before heading to the next and final bar Footsies. I've heard quite a lot of stories about that bar from my sisters and even my father when he was young. It has been around for long time. It may have moved locations over time, but the stories remains the same. I bought my first drink, spent some time with my sisters, and then headed straight home to catch some sleep. I had such amazing time and I can't wait to see what doors might open for me now that I'm officially an adult.

( follow me on Instagram for more @_indie_wood ! )


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