An Experience Story

A Spectacular Experience :

A trip to the Museum of Ice Cream

Hey everyone! Here is a story about my experience at the Museum of Ice Cream I went with my sister Jasmine this past Friday. And I want to give thanks to my sister Jessica who made the trip bit more fun (and easier). I wanted to share all the thrills and juicy details about the events taken place that day.  

Before the trip, we had to stop by the Pie Hole in the Arts District to grab something to eat and visit my sister Francis along with a friend of ours named Jenn while they were working. The whole gang was back to together and it was really nice since nowadays you don't see much of us together at the same time since we all don't live together like we how we used to as kids. For those few precious hours, we played catch up, had a laugh or two, ate some delicious pie, said our goodbyes with a hug, and went back on the road. That checked off our morning.
Our tickets were reserved for 2:30 pm, so we had a lot of spare time to pass. We headed straight to Angels Flight to take little ride on memory lane. When we heard of its reopening, we had to go check it out especially with so much time on our hands. On the ride up, there were two lovely ladies along with us. They talked about their youth and their times there at Angels Flight. After the short ride, we headed backed to the Arts District and took a pit stop at Pizzanista. We grabbed a slice of hot pizza and refreshing beverages thanks to our good friend Thomas who was working that day!

When we finally arrived at the museum, we got in a few minutes earlier which was pretty great on our part. Before entering, we were asked to yell out our favorite ice cream and raise our hand to make a vow not to touch any of the displays. It was pretty silly, but it was their way to make our time there a good one while also informing us of any restrictions. 

Each room was unique and we were given some treats such as Afters ice cream, mint mochi, gummy bears, and even black licorice if anyone liked that! There were also a few installations to interact with! For instance, there were the banana swings for photo sessions, a vending machine for a chance to win some sweet prizes, and a photo booth to capture the moment. It was very thrilling!

I helped some people take their photo when they asked as well as taking many photos that I can possibly can myself (as you can see here) which was all the more pleasing!

The sprinkle pool was probably the best part of the tour. I was really excited to see it from my own eyes and not just from hundreds to thousands of photos I've seen all over social media. It was the first thought in my mind when I first entered the museum so I was very eager to get my hands into some sprinkles. When we got into the sprinkle pool room, we quickly took off our shoes and ran for the pool! I had a really good time rolling around in the sprinkles. Sprinkles got caught in my clothes and I manage to still bring some home even when I tried to shake them off me.
Everything was so eye-popping and colorful so I can see how everyone's eagerly wanting to get their hands on some tickets to get in! This place has become such a popularity and has been trending on every social media platform. They even as of recently have a location in San Francisco.

Another thing I want to add about the experience was how everyone working at the museum were all so nice! There was a guy complimenting our mad fashion skills while scanning our tickets in to enter the museum. In the Gummy Bear room, the music was blasted and everyone was a upbeat, dancing mood. We chatting away with a girl handing out the mint mochi in the Mint room. It really makes the tour a bit more enjoyable when there is good company around!
These words written on the wall felt very nostalgic to me as I read them. I've live in California for all my life and these were the kind of things I had experienced growing up.

If I had to choose, my favorite room besides the sprinkle pool room would have to be the one with the giant popsicles. It was quite crowded since everyone seemed to really like that room, but I managed to take some good shots included of this one of my sister doing her famous peace sign in the air.

Side note: I want to mention there wasn't a time limit so you were free to walk around and take as long as you want in each room.
 Towards the end of the tour, we were given some more ice cream especially made at the museum! Before leaving, we'd stopped by the souvenir store and bought ourselves some pins as a reminder of our lovely time at the museum.

I had a spectacular time at the Museum of Ice Cream! I thought I would never get the chance to go since it sold out quick but I am so grateful that they extended the dates. It was a quite long wait since I got the tickets back in June, but it was worth it. It was truly an experience I'm glad to have not missed out on!

(follow me on Instagram for more @_indie_wood)


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