Traveling back in Time

Traveling Back in Time

// A Vintage Inspired Mini Shoot //

Once again, I find myself wandering around this little neighborhood taking photos with my sister Jasmine. This place reminds me of Pleasantville. Anyone know that movie? What I mean is that it's like I stepped into the twilight zone and traveled back in time! The town is old fashioned and filled with old relics. And I have to say that I really don't mind it. It really is quite pleasant (did anyone catch that little pun?)

The weather was actually perfect! It may have been a bit overcast but there was a nice, warm breeze. It is officially summer here so those sunny, hot days are approaching very soon! All of the flowers were in bloom and were so vibrant in color! It was absolutely beautiful!

Good Luck Ladybug:

It is known to be good luck for a ladybug to land on you. They are a symbol for good fortune, protection, and vibrant living. It is also said that the person would be successful in love or receiving a desired wish. And I managed to capture one land on my sister. How interesting! 

I have this thing about taking photos of random houses that seem interesting to me. What I mean by interesting is they give me a imaginative story to tell. For instance, this house felt like being on set of a Wes Anderson film. The yellow tones reminded me of my favorite film Moonrise Kingdom. Wes Anderson is my one of my favorite filmmakers and I have basically seen every piece of work he's ever made (expect for one film that I am making my number one priority to complete).  It would be an absolute dream to be a part in a Wes Anderson film! Pure goals actually!

Hopefully by now, you guys have noticed that Jasmine is actually wearing a wig in these photos! From afar, you wouldn't have noticed it at all. You would have probably thought it was her natural hair, but up close you would definitely be able to tell! Either way, that hairstyle fits her quite nicely! 

Until next time! Stay vibrant!

(Continue the Journey over on Instagram


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