A Happy Birthday

A Happy Birthday 

// A Dedication //

Happy Birthday Jasmine!

Today marks a very special and important day for two incredible people in my life! My lovely sister Jasmine is now officially 26 years old! Fours years left till she's thirty (sorry for the reminder lol) and she still looking like she's seventeen! What a beauty! 

As a little pre-birthday celebration, we headed to the Flower District in Los Angeles and bought tons of our favorite flowers! My mom also managed to snatch up some plants before heading out on the road again! Next stop, we made a quick trip to IKEA where we got a lovely table set (as seen in pictures). From there, we came home to create this cute little setup for a mini birthday shoot!

Arranging the Flowers:

Sunflowers, baby's-breath, daisies, and the list goes on ...

We somehow managed to make this little photoshoot into a branding photoshoot! It's so typical of us!

Quite a Coincidence! 

I had Jasmine sneak some pics of me during our mini shoot. I had grabbed the poetry book to use as a prop when something spectacular happened! I opened to a random page which had poem about a birthday! It was such a wonderful coincidence and Jasmine was able to capture that moment for me! 

Grub Time!

After our shoot, we headed down to our new favorite pizzeria and pigged out! Yum!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is also my mom's big 55th birthday! She is an 80's queen that graced me with great taste in music and style! It still boggles my mind that my mom gave birth to my sister on the day of her birthday !! They both share the same birthday and I swear to you guys that there's a photo out there of my mom when she was eleven that looks exactly like Jasmine! We were all confused to find out it wasn't her! It's got the date to prove it so I'm not joking! Even my mom was surprised (lol)! 

We gotta love these two!
 I hope you two to have a very special day! 

(Continue the Journey over on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_indie_wood/)


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