Fairytale Vibes

Fairytale Vibes

// A Mini Shoot //

Hey there fellow photo enthusiasts! I have some new photos to share and a little story to tell! Just yesterday, I had a good ole mini shoot with my sister Jasmine. We headed by to these old train tracks (mainly used as a walking trial nowadays) we use to take photos when we were younger.

By the tracks, they have this old train station we thought would be the perfect spot for photos. It definitely fit the whole retro vintage style we were looking for! 

The photos I took by a tree near the station were my absolute favorite! They gave me major fairytale vibes, particularly Disney. It looked like a modern day snow white! Or is that just me?

When we decided to head back home, we took the last of our photos towards the back of the buildings near by. While Jasmine posed for the camera, some nice construction worker teased and said "smile" and we just laughed!

At the end of the day, the photos came out amazing! And I managed to take a few photos of plant life so that was a win for me!

Hope you guys enjoyed the read as well as the photos! Until next time! 

(Continue the Journey over on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_indie_wood/)


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