LB Shoot

Shooting in the Rain

Downtown Long Beach, CA

This past Saturday, I went out and took photos of Maurice, a co-worker of my sister Jasmine. My sister told me about a week before how he wanted to take some photos and I was glad to help out. One thing I haven't done in a long while is take photos in rain, especially in Downtown Long Beach (since I usually shoot in Los Angeles when it's sunny). So, I was eagerly awaiting what was in store for me.

The weather wasn't so bad since it was only just a sprinkle, but the only bad thing is that it was just so constant. It felt like we were stuck under one of those water misters you see at the fair. So, we did get a little soaked lol! So, we had to take shelter every so often so we could dry off.

Good thing my sister was there along for the ride so she could help out by assisting with the photoshoot. As in, we had her carry our stuff so we could take photos lol! She looked hilarious while waddling around with a backpack of clothes and a shoebox in hand. I'm very grateful to have someone willing to make the sacrifice in order for me work my magic!

We walked all over Downtown taking as much photos as possible until the rain became too much for us to bare. After finishing up with taking our photos, we grabbed a bite to eat at the Yard House and call it day.

Overall, we were able take some good shots and I didn't catch a cold so I call that a win! Later that day, I went out to dinner with some friends for a little birthday celebration in LA. From there, we went to a local bar for some drinks except for me since I'm not into that kind of stuff. But I still had good time, I was with good company. After that, we call it night and said our goodbyes. I was just so glad when I was finally able to jump into some pjs and climb into those warm covers of my bed!

(follow me on Instagram for more! @_indie_wood)


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