
Showing posts from March, 2018

New Project

A Quick Update:  A Photo Series & Short Film Hey there again my friends! I'm back with some interesting news! If you haven't guessed it by now, I am currently in the works for new project! I will be doing a new photo series along with a short film with the help of some friends and family inspired by the filming style of Wes Anderson. I had this idea for awhile, but something was always holding me back to do it. So I said enough to that nonsense and I decided it's time to get to working! I can't say much about it, but only that it is going to be one of my biggest and exciting works! Okay! I tell you one thing! This short film I’m doing would be about a librarian played by my sister Jasmine! That’s all I can say lol! This isn’t some big production, but it’s important to me. I can't wait to show you all! So please, stay tuned! (follow me over on Instagram for more! @_indie_wood)

LB Shoot

Shooting in the Rain Downtown Long Beach, CA This past Saturday, I went out and took photos of Maurice, a co-worker of my sister Jasmine. My sister told me about a week before how he wanted to take some photos and I was glad to help out. One thing I haven't done in a long while is take photos in rain, especially in Downtown Long Beach (since I usually shoot in Los Angeles when it's sunny). So, I was eagerly awaiting what was in store for me. The weather wasn't so bad since it was only just a sprinkle, but the only bad thing is that it was just so constant. It felt like we were stuck under one of those water misters you see at the fair. So, we did get a little soaked lol! So, we had to take shelter every so often so we could dry off. Good thing my sister was there along for the ride so she could help out by assisting with the photoshoot. As in, we had her carry our stuff so we could take photos lol! She looked hilarious while waddling around

Let the Festivities begin!

2018 Chinese New Year Festival  Chinatown, Los Angeles February 17 There was so many people out celebrating and confetti flying in the air. It looked so magical to me. My sister got interviewed for the event while my sisters and I recorded the whole thing! I saw people taking photos with a friendly monkey and children smiling. We relaxed at the park near by and called it a lovely way to end a good day. (follow me Instagram for more @_indie_wood)