Hello 2018!

Something new to bring in the new year! 

An Update 

Hey there my fellow friends! I'm back with a long overdue update! It has been a little bit over a month since I last posted here so I wanted to let you guys know what I have been up to. First off, I decided to cut my hair short again. I kept debating for the longest time whether or not I should do it since I let it grow out for over a year. But here we are, it was the best decision I made! Up next, I'd spent my New Year's Eve with my sisters at a couple of bars. I sang in front of drunken crowd and they sang along with me! And I loved every bit of it! When the clock struck midnight, I said goodbye to 2017 and hello 2018! And so, I wanted to start the year on a good note.

I thought the only way to start the new year was to do what I've always done best and that is take photos. So when my best friend Narong hit me up for a photoshoot, I gladly accepted! I mean, who else better than your best friend to start the new year? When we met up, we had a bit of a situation lol. To explain, we couldn't figure out where to go to as our location for the photoshoot. We had the theme for the shoot, but we needed the best location for it. After a short while of consideration, we came to a decision. The location we end up using for our photos was actually taken at a college. Orange Coast College, to be exact. But you know what, that location was a good idea and the photos turned out pretty great! 

We sure do know how to make any location look good! If you haven't noticed it yet, Narong actually took this photo of me (pictured above) in front of a dumpster lol! In fact, this one of my favorites from the shoot. There were other strange areas we used such as in front of a vending machine, near some random hedge wall, and even in front of construction work! Long story short, the photoshoot was a complete success and we had a good day. 

A Side Note 

Not trying to sound a bit self-centered, but I loved how good I looked in my friend's denim jacket lol! I always wanted a good ole denim jacket with the fur collar. But sadly, I don't own one. But hey, at least I know I've got a friend who would let me wears theirs lol! My goal this year is to find one of my own though so fingers crossed!

It's like I said, I plan to do more of what I do best this year: take tons of photos! And with that, I want to meet more people and make new friendships. I want to take that next step to reaching my goals and making a career in what I do. I'm also planning on earning my degree soon and look in on some film schools. Overall, I just want to try to get by in life with no regrets. Okay, let me rephrase that. I'm sure I'm going to make some from time to time, there is no stopping that. It's what makes us human after all, right? But what I'm really saying, I'm going to make to most of what I can do in this life and do it on good terms. And don't ever let the bad things slow me down. I hope you guys enjoyed this little update and I promise to do the best that I can to keep you guys updated. Thanks for reading.

Other photos I've taken so far:

( For more photos follow me on Instagram @_indie_wood ! )


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