
Showing posts from January, 2018

LA Shoot

Adventure and the City  Taking photos in Los Angeles Hey guys! I'm back with another great story to tell! I recently had a photoshoot in Los Angeles this past Saturday with my friend Chris and I wanted to show you the results plus talk about the day we had. It was a casual day, but like always a good day. For most of the day, we just strolled around Spring Street as our location for our photo shoot. I thought it would be a great place for photos because of its architecture and hidden treasures. For instance, there always seem to be a film crew at every corner whenever I'm in the area. And I can see why they would film there, it's quite beautiful. We did four outfit changes so we could take as much different photos as possible. Plus, we were always moving around from one area to another. That way, it wouldn't be so repetitive. When we were coming to an end of our little photo session, we headed to the

Hello 2018!

Something new to bring in the new year!  An Update  Hey there my fellow friends! I'm back with a long overdue update! It has been a little bit over a month since I last posted here so I wanted to let you guys know what I have been up to. First off, I decided to cut my hair short again. I kept debating for the longest time whether or not I should do it since I let it grow out for over a year. But here we are, it was the best decision I made! Up next, I'd spent my New Year's Eve with my sisters at a couple of bars. I sang in front of drunken crowd and they sang along with me! And I loved every bit of it! When the clock struck midnight, I said goodbye to 2017 and hello 2018! And so, I wanted to start the year on a good note. I thought the only way to start the new year was to do what I've always done best and that is take photos. So when my best friend Narong hit me up for a photoshoot, I gladly accepted! I mean, who else better than your best friend