This is Me

Get to Know Me Better:

Things You May Not Know About Me

(taken by my sister Jasmine via @06.26.93 on Instagram at Beautycon LA)
Before photography, I was into art and music. When I was a kid, I loved to draw and still do till this day. With music, I would write some song lyrics and sing as well. If I had lead to any one of those paths, I probably would have wanted to be an illustrator for Pixar or (believe or not) an opera singer for whatever reason my child-self wanted to be one. When I got into photography at the age of eleven,  I was really into conceptual photography (like every pre-teen at the time). As I got older, I eventually grew out of that phase but it still comes to mind from time to time.
Tim Walker & Oleg Oprisco would have to be my top favorite photographers for their surrealistic/dreamlike style. I like to look through their photos as my go-to for inspiration. Another thing about me, I'm really into film and would like to have a career in the film industry. Side note: I'm really into films by Tim Burton and Wes Anderson. I'm not exactly sure where I want to start out (since I love every aspect of film), but one thing I know for sure is that I want to become a director some day. For now, I'm trying to explore my options to see where I would thrive at.
(taken at The 14th Factory)
I'm a bit of an explorer: when I'm not caught up with college or life in general, I like to wander around in the city of Los Angeles and just get lost sometimes. It's those kinds of times where I discover new places to go and even sometimes meet some incredible people along the way. Someday, I want to leave California and the explore the world while I'm still young and have the time. European trip anyone?
When I'm not exploring the city, I'm usually seen in Little Tokyo looking for new inspo magazines at the local bookstore or in the Arts District catching a break and hitting up for some pie at the Pie Hole. What I like about these places is that everyone who roam there seem to have their own unique sense of style. And honestly, I just want to take photos of everyone because of it! I'm not going to deny it!
I've had my heart broken over and over again because I was too afraid to tell that certain someone how I really felt about them. Also, it was because I thought they were the good guy in my so-called fairytale story. It was conflicting. I have lost some pretty good friends in my life because of misunderstandings and I wish they were still in my life. But that isn't how life goes, so I must go on without them no matter how much it pains me to do so. I'd never thought I would say this, let alone even write this down, but this is the part of my story I want to tell. 
I'm not one to show (neither express) my emotions but trust me when I say that I'm quite a sensitive person. I mean, I actually cry during children movies (thank you Pixar!). Am I the only one here? Anyways, I like to think that I'm a kind person and really cool to get to know, but honestly my shyness takes away my good qualities. But I have been working on this issue, I can say that I've been doing much better at handling my shyness. 
I honestly don't like to have my picture taken, especially in public, but yet here are some photos of me. It is consider a miracle when there is an actual picture of me smiling. Did I mention I was named after the song Sara Smile by Hall & Oates? The strange thing is that I don't mind taking selfies which is quite funny to me.
(taken by my best friend Narong via @nawrong on Instagram!)
The last thing I want to say before this story ends, my goal in life is to make an impact on someone's life. It can be as big or as small of an impact, just something to light up a spark or switch on the bulb in their mind. Because the thought that I could help someone see the light and encourage them to strive for their goals in life, I think that is kind of incredible to me.
If you guys have been reading through all of my ramblings till this point, then thank you for listening to my story.
(follow me on Instagram for more of my work @_indie_wood)


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