Monthly Stories

Sunny in September:

 So far in the month of September...

I have been doing some pretty big things. For instance, I have done three photo shoots so far (the third one is a bit of a surprise, but I promise will share to you guys soon!) and I plan to do more. Two of the photo shoots were spontaneous while the other was planned, but all were absolutely fun and exciting. I also got myself a little haircut about last week. And when I mean "little", I mean I just got a trim. Anyways, I wanted to share to you guys some of shots I have taken including some of me taken by my friend Narong with the help of another friend of mine named Will (he helped me how and where to pose). 

This first shoot was quite a big one! It took the about the entire day but it was worth it because the shots came out amazing! I got to hang out with some of good friends of mine including a new friend named Chris (pictured in the photos above). Everything was perfect, the locations we went to, the lighting, and the weather (despite there being some random heat waves from time to time). 

We explored the most quaint and charming neighborhood I have ever seen! For instance, the neighborhood was quiet and very pleasing to the eyes. To elaborate, the houses were stunning and looked like something straight out of a movie. Plus, there was no one to be found in sight except for a few people taking a mid-day stroll. I could see myself moving into the neighborhood, taking long walks with my dog, and inviting the neighbors to my annual summer barbecue. A girl can only dream!

The best part of this experience was towards the end of the shoot when my friend was taking photos of me. We were taking photos in front of this house and there were people in their cars looking at us while driving by. At one point, some people were yelling out things like "go get it girl!" and "you're so fucking artsy!". It was kind of embarrassing and yet so empowering! 
Friendly critters in the neighborhood: We found this little guy roaming around while we were taking pictures. I'm guessing it wanted to be in the pictures with us since we kept spotting in every shot we had taken! At times, I got kind of nervous when it was right behind me while I was taking my photos. 

As you can see in the pictures above, this is what happens when your friend gets a idea and pulls you away from behind the camera. To me, this was kind of strange since I had just met this guy plus I am used to being the one behind the camera (and basically I am a sociably awkward person in general). But despite that, it was quite interesting to try something different for once and the shots were not too bad as well. Overall, I had a pretty fun experience!

A side note: my sister recently got herself a major haircut as well. For about a year, she had hair grown out quite long until she decided to cut it all off. She has been known to cut her short so this isn't her first rodeo if you know what I mean and it suits her very nicely. 

For my second shoot, we were at my cousin's place celebrating his son's first birthday when my sister and I decided to take some photos during the festivities. We had some time to spare so we took a walk around the area looking for spots where we can take our photos. We found this massive cactus and some hidden areas we thought would be a great place for photos! It was a good day because I got some spend time with my family that I don't get to see that often since I live so far away from them. Plus, I had enough time to take photos and I always try to take use of my camera as much I can as possible.

For my third shoot, my friend and I planned a huge project with some help of some other friends. Since I can't explain too much about it because it is a surprise, I can tell you that I will reveal them about next month! The last thing I want to say before this story comes to an end is that I hope you guys enjoyed reading my stories. I plan to do more big projects this month and so on. Until next time!

( follow me on Instagram @_indie_wood ! )


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