A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane

// Cars, Historical Landmarks , & Elvis Presley //

Mayfair Park in Lakewood, CA

I attended two car shows, one local and the other further out, alongside my mom and a friend of her's. Short story: I've had such a big love for classic cars ever since I was a little kid. It's most likely because of my dad's '59 Chevy Impala Sedan, aka his baby, which he still has to this day. I'd admired that car so much and still do. It's a real beaut! 

Another reason why I love old cars is that they all have a their own unique look unlike today's automobiles. With their burst of color and intricate designs, it gives off that nostalgic feel of a time when life was a bit simpler. 

It was quite hot and sunny day! Just ten minutes of being outside, you could melt away! Everything was overexposed but I still manage to capture some stunning shots on my camera. I walked all around taking as much pictures as possible while trying to beat the heat. Side note: I noticed a pair of Chucky and Chucky's Bride dolls sitting on back of a Ford truck in the show. I thought that was pretty cool. Now I'm even more excited for Halloween! Back to the story: I would say we were there for about 45 minutes until we headed out.


 This Volkswagen Karmann Ghia was one of my absolute favorites in the show. It had this (what I believe to be) midnight blue streak design which really added flare to it. Funny thing, the first thing that popped in my mind was Austin Powers when I saw this. I mean, I could definitely see him cruising around town in a ride like this! Am I the only one who can see this?

Got a little bit of Great Gatsby vibes ...

This GMC caught my eye for one good reason. Yes, it was a nice ride but it was mainly because of the skateboard that lied beside it. It had this cool rose and flame design that I was digging so much! And it was sale for $75 or best offer! To be honest, I probably would have got it if I weren't so broke *inside laughter.

Round Two!

Historic Main Street Garden Grove, CA

Second stop, we headed to Historic Main Street in Garden Grove where there was a Elvis Presley festival going on. I saw pinup gals, groomed dogs, and tons of men dressed as the King of Rock 'n' Roll. These people lived and breathed the 50's. The location looked as if you stepped in a time machine and traveled backwards in time. Pretty much every time I go to an old-fashioned place, I'm reminded of how much I wish time travel existed! 

There weren't as much cars in this location compared to the last one, but I didn't mind because it was set in such a nice location. I mean, it was like you were on the set of Pleasantville. And who doesn't love that film? I mean, obviously me since I've talked about it in the past. The only one bad thing about the trip was the weather. Weather conditions: A billion degrees outside, was cooking like an egg on the concrete floor but I made it through like a true champ!

At the festival, I was mainly eying this 1962 Cadillac convertible called Lady Godiva aka "Blonde and Topless". There was a cardboard cutout of Elvis Presley with his guitar in hand beside it serving some good ole burgers and fries!

Side note: what I noticed when taking photos of cars, I always take it from sharp angles and up close. I like focusing more on the details of the car, plus I try to avoid any people who might hold as a distraction from the shot.


The King Himself!

My mom was and always will be a great fan so I'd grew up listening to the King as if life depended on it. He had coolest moves and I would try recreate them... still do. And this restaurant contained tons of Elvis Presley memorabilia inside! I would have gone to check it out but unfortunately didn't get the chance to! But there's always next time to look forward to! Any takers?!

Stanley Ranch Museum & Historical Village

On the way to the festival, we had made a wrong turn and had to make a U-turn. I'd noticed an old ranch as we passed by so we made the choice to check it out after the festivities. And great decision that was! I had some idea about the place when we arrived, but I didn't expect what beauty I would see when I stepped foot on the lot. It was truly magical! 

The Ware-Stanley House, built in 1891, was such a stunning sight to see. In a way, it reminded me of the house from the Disney Pixar film Up.

I stepped foot onto a whole new world! A Disney reference?! It's because there is a garage that was used as studio by Walt Disney himself in 1923 on the property! How exciting!

I felt like I was on set of a movie production! It was giving me vibes of Quentin Tarantino's recent film, Once Upon Time In... Hollywood, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie, and Brad Pitt. It really reminded me of one particular scene in the film. You know, for those who've seen it, the part when Rick Dalton arrives on set of Lancer where he landed the role of the villain. One of these days, I hope to have the great opportunity to be working in the film industry. I've had the pleasure of getting a glance of what it's like working on set in the past and it was one of my most memorable experiences. 

Howdy There!

This had some good ole Cowboys and Aliens feel when walking towards the back of the location. With the western style and neutral colors, I could hear the sound of gunslingers and horses galloping about.

Took couple of shots with this ole U.S. mailbox by the Post Office building on the lot. I just love seeing the changing of colors when metal rusts.

By the ranch, there was a pleasant-looking gazebo surrounded by flowers. I always imagined dancing around in one of those with a young and handsome man like in those old Hollywood movies. I know what you're thinking, what a cheesy thing to say! I cant help that I'm a hopeless romantic!

Additional Photos

Despite some certain factors (oh, the heat...), I had such a lovely day! I love attending car shows and discovering new places! I'm definitely planning to go to another car show soon where I would take even more photos! 

Until next time! Stay adventurous!

(Continue the Journey over on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_indie_wood/)


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