
Showing posts from 2019

A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane // Cars, Historical Landmarks , & Elvis Presley // Mayfair Park in Lakewood, CA I attended two car shows, one local and the other further out, alongside my mom and a friend of her's. Short story: I've had such a big love for classic cars ever since I was a little kid. It's most likely because of my dad's '59 Chevy Impala Sedan, aka his baby, which he still has to this day. I'd admired that car so much and still do. It's a real beaut!  Another reason why I love old cars is that they all have a their own unique look unlike today's automobiles. With their burst of color and intricate designs, it gives off that nostalgic feel of a time when life was a bit simpler.  It was quite hot and sunny day! Just ten minutes of being outside, you could melt away! Everything was overexposed but I still manage to capture some stunning shots on my camera. I walked all around taking as much pictures as possible whi

A Day In Beverly Hills

A Day In Beverly Hills // Louis Vuitton X // Photo Diary  Until next time! Stay inspired! (Continue the Journey over on Instagram )