A Casual Day in the City

A Casual Day in the City 

 Viewing Art & Eating Pie 

Like any other day, it started as a casual walk to my sister's house where I met up with Jasmine. We gotten ready for the day and headed to the trains to get to Los Angeles. Our first stop was at the Pie Hole in the Arts District where we ate our favorite savory pie and tested out some sweets as though we were a couple of food critics. Basically, our results came along the lines as "yum" and "wow".  

My personal favorite was the Mexican Chocolate and Strawberry Lavender pie holes. They both reminded me of a little part of my childhood. 

Next stop, we walked our way down to stop by at the Over The Influence gallery to view Into The White Cube exhibit by Invader before it closed its doors. The smell of coffee and Salt & Straw ice cream filled the air as we walked in! Just lovely!

It felt like I stepped into an 80's arcade game when I walked in. I may have been born in the 90's but I'm an 80's kid at heart as told by family and friends. It reminded me of the days when my sisters and I played Super Mario on the old Nintendo game system (I forget which one we had lol) when we were kids. I enjoyed the exhibit and glad to be able see it.

Nearing to the end of our outing in the city, we headed to Hauser & Wirth, one of our favorite art galleries, to check out the bookstore as well as view some more art.

Alexander Calder: 

The room felt open and wide in its simplicity and lighting. The works of Alexander Calder was absolutely mesmerizing and very pleasing the eye to see art in such balance and in harmony. 

Manifesto by Julian Rosefeldt:

I also had a chance to view Manifesto, a multi-screen film installation by Julian Rosefeldt. In the installation, Cate Blanchett portrays 13 distinct characters and each perform various manifestos. I've been wanting to view since it first arrived at Hauser & Wirth. It was quite breath-taking to be in a room set in the dark and be surrounded by huge screens. I took my time to view each and every scene being displayed on the screens as I can. It was captivating.

By the end of the day, we stopped by our favorite bookstore in Little Tokyo for a quick visit then met up with my other sister Jessica where we headed back home and grabbed some burritos. 

Overall Feel of the Day:

I had a wonderful day and I'm glad I finally had some to spare to visit my favorite city I call home and do the things that I love. It was just the day I needed.

(Continue the Journey over on Instagram @_indie_wood)


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