Simply Paradise or A Sweet Dream?

Simply Paradise or A Sweet Dream? 

// Photoshoot / Mini Series // 

Heritage Park, Santa Fe Springs, CA

"Could it be possible that this was simply paradise? Or nothing more than a sweet dream?" S.B.
So this past Friday, I met up with Chris for some photoshoot and hang time! We went to the Heritage park in Santa Fe Springs that I had told him about a while back! I probably took about four hundred photos and had like a hundred photos that I really loved, but I decided to show you the top best of the photoshoot so that you wouldn't be overwhelmed haha! Also, be sure to stick around till the end to read the rest of my little poem! 

There is a little passage way that goes down where they have straw huts and a stream of water running down to the bottom. The lighting down there was just absolutely stunning! At one point, I just kinda got blown away by it while I was these photos hehe...maybe you can see for yourself.

These were taken by the trains they have set up at the park which I'm kinda sad about not taking pictures with now that I think about it...oh well lol!

This is one of my favorite photos! It looks so playful to me haha! 

Just call me the Queen of Lens Flare because I'm killing it!

Now, doesn't this look like a cute photoshoot with man's best friend?

This little area was kinda closed off by the hedges around it which made it look little bit more magical to me! It kinda reminded me of the maze in the movie Labyrith (one of my favorite movie classics). We were planning to take photos around the fountain that was inside until we saw a wedding couple and a photographer come in to take photos as well. So, we decided to take the photos at the one outside the area.

We were pretty bummed that the greenhouse was locked up, but at least we still mange to catch some picture perfect photos. 

This building had a little exhibit inside with historical artifacts of the place. The exterior of the building gave me some major Wes Anderson vibes!

 Additional Photos:

I call these the love birds! The way they bundle up together... I even saw a pair kissing! So sweet!

Just for the heads up, it was these two I caught kissing! Is it just me or do they look like they're posing for the camera?! Hmmm...

Some pics I took while wandering around the park... I like to think that I see the world through the eyes of a child: very imaginative and vividly bright! 

Sneaking a pic of Chris while he was taking a photo with his film camera lol!

To me, the multicolor tree bark was like a work of lovely...

If I'm going to be honest, I wished I grabbed some of those oranges while no one was looking. But sadly, there was signs forbidding not to touch. Could this be the real forbidden fruit? 

Some other photos of Chris in a different look:

The little critters lurking around:

Here's a little fun fact about me: my nick name (well, one of them at least ha) is Sarah Beez...get it?! When people ask me why, I like to say it's because I can make sweet, sweet honey lol! My mom hates it when I say that hehe...

This looks like a heart shaped web or maybe it's just me who sees it (you see what I mean by very imaginative? lol)

The Photographer (me!): 

Later that day:

We headed to the thrift store near by where I found this gorgeous vintage yellow top! I could even pull it off as dress because of my height (I'm quite short lol). Honestly, I can't wait to use this for future photoshoots! 

Simply Paradise or A Sweet Dream?

A Poem by Yours Truly 

I really hope you guys enjoyed looking at these photos and reading about it! Also, I hoped you like my little poem as well! Until next time! Stay golden!

(Continue the Journey <3


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