Off to Another Adventure

The Flower Fields

Carlsbad, CA

Hey there wild flowers! I got a fun story to tell all of you! This past Friday, I went on a little adventure with my friends Alexandra and Nikki to go see the Flower Fields in Carlsbad. It was a bit of drive there, but we managed with a little bit of good tunes and interesting conversations! When we finally arrived, I was in complete awe by the view that stood before me! 

I couldn't believe how massive these fields were, it looked like it went on for miles! The flowers were so vibrant and full of color, it felt like I was on set of a Wes Anderson film lol! It was an absolute dream! There were so many people in such stylish clothing (so blogger style haha) getting ready to get their photo op. We took so many photos of the flowers and of each other (it was a must lol). Another thing, this place had the cutest attractions. They had a children's playground that had whimsical playhouses and gigantic mushrooms. You could even hitch a ride on the tractor wagon, but my absolute favorite was the Sweet Pea maze! My friends and I had such a good time trying to find our way out of the maze. The funny thing that happened was when Alexandra started to run and hide from me and Nikki! She kept popping her head out and I couldn't help but just laugh. We had to run to catch up to her, then I snuck up behind and caught her lol! 

Time just flew by for us because we realized that we were there for 3 hours straight! We felt pretty satisfied so we called a quits and headed out. When we left, we stopped by the nursery where Nikki got a new plant and I bought me some good ole honey sticks! Yum! After that, we grabbed a bite to eat (pizza pie!) and called it day. I had such a good time and I really hope to come back again soon!

 Here are some of the photos that my friends took of me! 

 More photos:
Photos that I took of my friends  
( Side Note: My friends Alexandra and Nikki are the cutest people you'll ever get to know! )

( Continue the Journey )


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